Est. 1969 - Olney Mill Community Association

Olney Mill Architectural Control

ACC Information

Below you will find all the information needed to submit a home project plan for OMCA approval. To read the OMCA guidelines for architectural control, scroll down on this page.

What type of materials do I need to submit for ACC approval of a project?

  • Property Address

  • Homeowner's Name(s)

  • Phone Number

  • Email Address

  • Description of Request (including size, color, materials, location on property and any other pertinent information)

  • Home plat that shows proposed changes

  • Design plans (if available)

  • Copy of Montgomery County building permit


Once you are ready to submit your ACC approval package, click the SUBMIT PLANS button below and you will be prompted to fill out a form where you can upload your documentation. Be sure to include all the items listed above, where applicable.



In 1979, guidelines were devised to help this Committee and the Board interpret and more uniformly enforce the Covenants. They were then approved by the community and subsequently the Board of Directors and took effect on March 18, 1980. The guidelines were amended in 1995.

1. Driveways shall not be extended in width to a point closer than 24 inches to the owner's property line. Overall width should not be any greater than the space needed to park three (3) full size cars abreast.
2. The edges of an extended driveway must be approximately even with the surrounding ground, not protruding more than five inches above the ground including the normal height of
grass. Grading the adjacent earth as necessary to reach this level and to preclude destructive drainage upon neighboring properties will be a requirement for Committee approval.
3. The materials for the entire driveway shall be made of a similar uniform material. The Committee recommends the use of asphalt or concrete for driveway surfaces. Other materials must be
approved by the Committee. Temporary use of gravel or crushed stone will normally be approved, provided such use is limited to six months.
4. The driveway surface must be properly maintained, coating it as needed with an appropriate covering to mend surface damage caused by age and usage.
5. Driveways extending around the side of the house and into the back yard are prohibited.
6. Exceptions to items 1-5 above may be granted by the Committee with concurrence of the Board of Directors. All exceptions must be requested and granted in writing.

1. Fences must meet the requirements set forth in the Covenants in so far as height and placement are concerned and must be approved by the Committee.
2. Wooden fences must be natural in color or must be stained, painted, or varnished in a neutral wood color or white. Vinyl coated chain link fences are suggested for beautification purposes. They
must not exceed 48 inches in height where a fence in excess of 24 inches in height is allowed by existing Covenants and Restrictions. The best side of the materials used must face outward.
3. The outside face of the fence cannot be placed closer than 2 inches to the boundaries of the owner's property lines, and such outside areas must be maintained in a neat and reasonable
condition. An exception to this restriction can be made when two contiguous neighbors agree to jointly construct a fence directly on their adjoining property lines, or to connect as necessary their
respective fences to each other, and to equally maintain its or their appearance(s).
4. All fences must be maintained by the owner(s) in a like-new condition, the Committee with Board approval can act to have the fence repaired, maintained, or removed at the property owner's
5. Exceptions to items 2-3 above may be granted by the Committee with concurrence of the Board of Directors. All exceptions must be requested and granted in writing.
**Advisory Notes: (l) For purposes of interpreting these guidelines, a "fence" shall be defined as it is in Blacks Law Dictionary. (2) Fencing-type structures which are placed on corners of lots to identify lot corner boundaries or for decorative purposes are not considered to be fences in a strict legal sense. However, the Committee will not approve a front-yard or side street structure of this type which exceeds 36 inches in height at the uppermost cross rail.

1. All garages and carports must conform to both Olney Mill Covenants and County building codes and established County setback lines. Variances to establish side yard, side street and front yard
setback lines granted by the County Zoning Board shall not be recognized by the OMCA except where the Committee and the Board of Directors at their discretion may approve construction over a
side yard setback line to a maximum of one-half of the total setback distance for the lot involved.
2. The width and the height of the new structure, once completed, should not be any larger than the widest or highest two-car garage constructed by the builder.
3. The depth of the new structure, once completed, should not be any longer than the longest garage constructed by the original builder.
4. All garages must conform with the home's original architecture so as to make it appear that it had been constructed by the original builder and is not an add-on addition.
5. Detached garages or carports are discouraged.
6. Exceptions to items 2-4 above may be granted by the Committee with concurrence of the Board of Directors. All exceptions must be requested and granted in writing.

The following external structures will normally be approved by the Committee: wooden decks, greenhouses, playhouses, doll houses, storage sheds, and other buildings of a permanently installed
nature, with certain conditions listed below. This section excludes consideration of antennas, flagpoles, patio coverings and other structures listed in Sections V, VII, and VIII.
1. Enclosed buildings should not exceed 1728 cubic feet in external dimensions, and should not exceed 12 feet in height from the base of the foundation to the uppermost point of the roof. Colors
must be consistent with the color scheme for the existing house and the community. All such Olney Mill Community Association structures must be constructed of materials consistent with the original house and established community architecture (i.e., with brick, shingle, wood, siding, glass or a combination thereof on the external surface).
2. Prefabricated or other buildings (e.g., storage sheds made of metal) must be approved by the Committee, have proper foundations, be properly secured, and must not be allowed to fall into
3. All permanent external structures shall be maintained in like-new condition. Should structures not be kept in a like-new condition, the Committee, with Board approval, can act to have the structure repaired, maintained or removed at the property owner's expense.
4. Such structures shall not be placed over established County setback lines. For variances to setback lines, Committee approval is required in addition to County Zoning Board approval.
5. Any such structure must be permanently installed in a manner such that it does not constitute a potential danger to contiguous neighbors from hazardous construction, wind, storm, or other
adverse weather conditions.
6. All such construction of structures must be done in accordance with applicable Montgomery County building codes.
7. Exceptions to item 1 above may be granted by the Committee with concurrence of the Board of Directors. All exceptions must be requested and granted in writing.

1. All antennas must meet all currently applicable Federal Communications Commission licensing and restrictions. Related CB/HAM radio equipment must also meet all FCC rules and regulations.
2. TV antennas do not require approval, but should be securely fastened for safety. Parabolic dish type antennas of less than 24 inches in diameter may be installed on the roof, or in the back yard or side yard, without Committee approval; dish antennas larger than 24” may not be installed on the roof, side yard, or front yard without Committee approval. Dish antennas larger than twelve feet in diameter will not be permitted on the property.
3. All structures related to antenna placement must be consistent with Montgomery County building codes.
4. Exceptions to item 2 above may be granted by the Committee with concurrence of the Board of Directors. All exceptions must be requested and granted in writing.

1. Such structures must be constructed in conformity with applicable Montgomery County Building Codes, must be permanently installed in safe and enduring manner consistent with reasonably
anticipated adverse weather and wind conditions, and must give the appearance of original builder's Olney Mill Community Association construction.

2. All patio covers, porches and related additions must be maintained by the owner(s) in good condition. Should any structure not be kept in good condition, the Committee with Board approval
can act to have the structure repaired, maintained, or removed at the property owner's expense.

1. All pools, above or in ground, must be within County setback lines and in conformity with County rules and building codes, and must meet all County and other ordinance requirements for safety.
2. All pools must be maintained by the owner(s) in good condition. Should any pool not be kept in good condition, the Committee with Board concurrence, can act to have the pool repaired,
maintained, or removed at the property owner's expense.

3. Should any such pool be found to be in violation of County or State laws in the opinion of the Committee, the Committee with Board approval can act to have appropriate safety measures
initiated or installed at the expense of the owner.

In the event an Owner of any Lot in the Properties shall fail to maintain the premises and the improvements situated thereon in a manner satisfactory to the Board of Directors, the Association,
after approval by two-thirds (2/3) vote of the Board of Directors, shall have the right, through its agents and employees, to enter upon said parcel and to repair, maintain, and restore the Lot and
the exterior of the buildings and any other improvements erected thereon. The cost of such exterior maintenance shall be added to and become part of the assessment to which such Lot is subject.